Research Interests
- ELEC-E5620 Audio Signal Processing (every spring since 2001 except 2009)
- ELEC-E5630 Acoustics and Audio Technology Seminar L V (spring, periods IV-V)
- In 2021, the topic of the Acoustics and Audio Technology seminar was Musical Acoustics: Sound Synthesis and Modeling (periods IV-V, 2021)
- In 2019, the topic of the Acoustics and Audio Technology seminar was Headphones and Equalizers (2019)
- My previous seminar topics: Audio Filters and Equalizers (2017), Digital audio effects (2014), Digital filters in audio processing (2013), DAFX - Digital audio effects (2012), mobile audio programming (organized by Dr. Cumhur Erkut in 2011), virtual analog audio processing (2010), digital filters in audio processing (2009), sonic interaction design (organized by Dr. Cumhur Erkut in 2008), signal processing for sound synthesis (2007), sound analysis (2006), mobile audio (2005), model-based sound synthesis (2004), audio restoration (2003), sound synthesis (2002).
ELEC-E5640 Noise Control (Meluntorjunta) L, a lecture on active noise control, in Finnish (annually since 2006)
- Digital audio, Tampere Univ. of Tech. Pori Unit (Pori, Finland, Fall 2001-2006)
- Sound processing, Master's Programme in Music, Mind, and Technology at the University of Jyväskylä, lectures on musical signal processing (Jyväskylä, Finland, Jan. 2006, Feb. 2008, Jan. 2010)
- International Advanced Course on Musical Acoustics, lectures on sound synthesis (Bologna, Italy, July 2005)
Supervised Doctoral Theses -
Jon Fagerström, Feb. 2025, Velvet noise for audio processing (Thesis advisors: Prof. Sebastian J. Schlecht, Prof. Vesa Välimäki)
Leonardo Fierro, May 2024, Audio decomposition for time stretching (Thesis advisor: Prof. Vesa Välimäki)
Alec Wright, Dec. 2023, Neural modeling of audio effects (Thesis advisor: Prof. Vesa Välimäki)
Karolina Prawda, Oct. 2022, Room reverberation prediction and synthesis (Thesis advisors: Prof. Sebastian J. Schlecht, Prof. Vesa Välimäki)
Benoit Alary, Sept. 2021, Analysis and synthesis of directional reverberation (Advisors: Dr. Archontis Politis,
Prof. Sebastian J. Schlecht, Prof. Vesa Välimäki)
Juho Liski, Oct. 2020, Equalizer design for sound reproduction (Advisors: Dr. Jussi Rämö, Prof. Vesa Välimäki)
Fabian Esqueda, May 2018, Aliasing reduction in nonlinear audio processing
(Advisor: Prof. Stefan Bilbao)
Jukka Keränen, Apr. 2015, topic: Room acoustics in open-plan offices (Advisor: Dr. Valtteri Hongisto)
Stefano D'Angelo, Nov. 2014, topic: Virtual analog filters
Jussi Rämö, Oct. 2014, topic: Headphone equalization
Jussi Pekonen, Apr. 2014, topic: Virtual analog oscillators
Rafael de Paiva, Nov. 2013, topic: Virtual analog modeling (Advisor: Dr. Jyri Pakarinen)
Julian Parker, Oct. 2013, topic: Spring reverb emulation and allpass filters
Jari Kleimola, Feb. 2013, topic: Abstract sound synthesis
Antti Jylhä, Apr. 2012, topic: Sonic interaction design (Instructor: Dr. Cumhur Erkut)
Heidi-Maria Lehtonen, Dec. 2010, topic: Sound of the piano
Jyri Pakarinen, Mar. 2008, topic: Guitar synthesis
Jukka Rauhala, Dec. 2007, topic: Piano synthesis
Antti Kelloniemi, Nov. 2006, topic: Digital waveguide mesh (Co-supervised with Prof. Lauri Savioja)
Henri Penttinen, Oct. 2006, topic: String instrument acoustics and signal processing
Paulo A. A. Esquef, Apr. 2004, topic: Audio restoration
Cumhur Erkut, Nov. 2002, topic: String instrument synthesis
- The Sound and Music Computing Conference SMC-17 was held at Aalto University in July 2017!
- Special issue on digital audio effects, Applied Sciences (2020).
- Special issue on sound and music computing, Applied Sciences (2017-2018).
- Special issue on audio signal processing, Applied Sciences (2016).
- Special issue on musical applications of real-time signal processing in EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal (2011).
- Special issue on virtual analog audio effects and musical instruments in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing (May 2010 issue).
- DAFx-08: the 11th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (September 1-4, 2008, Espoo, Finland)
- Special issue on signal processing for sound synthesis in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (March 2007). Guest editors: V. Välimäki, R. Rabenstein, D. Rocchesso, X. Serra, and J.O. Smith.
- Special issue on model-based sound synthesis in EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (July 2004). Guest editors: V. Välimäki, A. Sarti, M. Karjalainen, R. Rabenstein, and L. Savioja.
- ESUS - Extended Subtractive Synthesis of Audio Signals, Marie-Curie Action, 2012-2014
- SAME, Sound and Music for Everyone Everyday Everywhere Every Way, European FP7 STREP Project
- Perceptually Optimized Sound Synthesis (POpSS), Academy of Finland project no. 122815, Jan. 2008 - Dec. 2011
- COST Action IC0601: Sonic Interaction Design (SID), March 2007 - June 2011
- KaPs, Psychoacoustics of Rock Drilling, a project funded partially by the Finnish Work Environment Fund, Jan.-Dec. 2008
- S2S^2 (Sound to Sense, Sense to Sound), a European FP6 FET-Open Coordination Action IST-2004-03773
- A portal for sound and music computing
- Audiosignaalinkäsittelyn englanti-suomisanasto (about 50% in Finnish)
- My doctoral dissertation on digital waveguide modeling of acoustic tubes
- Special session on Physical Models and Virtual Musical Instruments (Session MUS-05) at the International Congress on Acoustics ICA2007 (Madrid, Spain, Sept. 2-7, 2007)
- Special session on Model-Based Sound Synthesis (topic 13.14) at EUSIPCO 2005 (Antalya, Turkey, Sept. 5-8, 2005)
- ALMA (Algorithms for the Modelling of Acoustic Interactions), European project IST-2001-33059, 2001-2004
- ConGAS, COST Action on Gesture Controlled Audio Systems, COST-287, 2003-2007
- In 2006 I made an initiative to start publishing MSc theses on-line at Helsinki University of Technology (TKK). This process is continued in the Aalto University.