Unto K. Laine

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An old country home called SMEDS is located in Bemböle village of Espoo. The present form of the house is mainly from the 18th century.


Historical ruins of a smoke cottage

In the basement of the building locates an old oven which may come from the 16th century. The oven is a historic ruin of a smoke cottage located in this place in the 16th century or even earlier.

At the bottom of the "new" owen structure made of hand made bricks are two masseve stones each about one cubic meter in volume. It is possible that these stones have formed the very first fire place of the first cottage in this place (in the 13th century?).

Presently some archeological investigations are going on around this oven. We hope to find answers at least to some of the many mysteries of the basement and of the whole house and its history.

Here are some pictures taken at the basement.

Smeds' old oven

The old oven shown from another angle

Findings of the archeological investigations

.. will be presented later here when the work is progressed.

©ukl 23.10.98