Image denoising using HUBNIHT
It is assumed here that you have downloaded the toolbox and are now in the ./matlab folder
Set-up the path: it is assumed that you are in the ./examples folder
close all; clc; clearvars; addpath('../'); addpath('../pics'); addpath('../aux');
Possible choices for Huber's threshold.
Due to very spiky salt and pepper noise, it is recommended to use a lower value for threshold for Huber's loss. A small value indicates increased robustness. In this example, we use c70 = 0.1917.
c95 = 1.345; c85 = 0.7317; c80 = 0.5294; c75 = 0.3528783; c70 = 0.1917;
load the Lena image and add noise
load lena256color.mat; y0 = double(rgb2gray(X0)); clear X0; y0 = y0/max(y0(:)); % making the pixel values lie in the interval [0,1] n = 8; % use 8 by 8 windows rng default; y = imnoise(y0,'salt & pepper',0.1); % ADD SALT AND PEPPER NOISE maxI = max(y(:)); N = size(y,1);
Plot the true and noisy images
figure(1); clf; imagesc(y0); colormap(gray(256)); axis image; axis off; title('Original Image'); figure(2); clf; imagesc(y); colormap(gray(256)); axis image; axis off; PSNRin = psnr(y,y0,maxI); title(['Noisy Image with PSNR = ',num2str(PSNRin),' dB'],'FontSize',16);
Median filter denoising
youtMF = medfilt2(y,[3 3]); tic; PSNR_MF = psnr(youtMF,y0,maxI) toc; figure(3); clf; imagesc(youtMF); colormap(gray(256)); axis image; axis off; title(['Median Filter PSNR = ',num2str(PSNR_MF),' dB'],'FontSize',16);
PSNR_MF = 26.2690 Elapsed time is 0.000655 seconds.
HUBNIHT denoising
Here we use K=11 as the value for sparsity level. For the chosen threshold value c, it gaved the best results. Note that hubniht_denoising function uses parallel pool to speed up the computation.
K = 11; % sparsity level to consider c = c70; % threshold for Huber's loss function horizontal = false; % denoise by both horizontal and vertical scan of patches
Setting up horizontal = false implies that scanning of patches is performed both in horizontal and vertical directions. The output is then average of the scans. For large images, it is recommended to set horizontal = true. This speeds up computations roughly by 1/2 as the vertical scan is not performed. This is illustrated at the end of this script.
[yout,yout_h,yout_v] = hubniht_denoising(y,n,[],c,K,[],horizontal) ;
PSNR(1) = psnr(yout,y0,maxI);
PSNR(2) = psnr(yout_h,y0,maxI); % horizontal
PSNR(3) = psnr(yout_v,y0,maxI);
Elapsed time is 79.830923 seconds. PSNR = 28.8805 28.6378 28.7530
As can be noted, on my MacBook Pro laptop it took about 79 seconds to obtain the denoised image.
Plot the denoised image obtained by HUBNIHT
figure(4); clf; imagesc(yout); colormap(gray(256)); axis image; axis off; title(['HUBNIHT PSNR = ',num2str(PSNR(1)),' dB'],'FontSize',16);
HUBNIHT denoising: horizontal scan only
Note that the computation time using horizontal scan only is roughly 1/2 of the previous run.
horizontal = true; % denoise by horizontal scan of patches tic; [yout,yout_h,yout_v] = hubniht_denoising(y,n,[],c,K,[],horizontal) ; toc; psnr(yout,y0,maxI) % same as PSNR(2) computed earlier
Elapsed time is 43.309250 seconds. ans = 28.6378
Esa Ollila and Ammar Mian, "Block-wise minimization-majorization algorithm for Huber's criterion: sparse learning and applications", in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Sep 21-24, 2020, Espoo, Finland.