rcmreg - computers the regression coefficient estimates based on the lift rank covariance matrix
rcmreg [-f
filename -n
obs -k
vars -y
nrboots] ]
rcmreg computes the regression coefficient estimates using the lift rank covariance matrix, where the multivariate rank concepts are based on the Oja criterion function. User may invoke a resampling strategy to estimate the standard errors of the estimates. When no command line parameters are given, the program asks the parameters from the user.
specify the file filename as the data file
specify obs as the number of observations in the data.
specify vars as the number of variables.
specify resps as the number of response variables. The response variables are expected to be the last columns in the given data file filename.
use this option if you wish to invoke bootstrap procedure to estimate the standard errors of the regression estimates. Parameter nrboots specifies the number of bootstrap samples.
example1: rcmreg -f
mydata.dat -n
25 -k
4 -y
2 -b
The file containing the data is called mydata.dat. There is 25 observations and 4 variables in the data. The response variable is of dimension 2 so there are two explanatory variables. (The response variables are supposed to be the last columns in the data file). Bootstrap procedure with 200 bootstrap samples is invoked.
See paper:
E. Ollila, H. Oja and V. Koivunen, ``Estimates of regression coefficients based on lift rank covariance matrix,'' Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 98, no. 461, pp. 90-98, 2003.
Esa Ollila, esollila AT wooster DOT hut DOT fi
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